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Oil and Natural Gas Exploration

Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation to carry out exploratory drilling at CB-ON/2 under NELP-II in Tarapur Block

Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation to carry out exploratory drilling at CB-ON/2 under NELP-II in Tarapur Block in Anand and Kheda districts in Gujarat. The exploratory drilling will be carried out with association with GAIL & JTI Inc. and to be done in 3 phases. In phase -1 (30 months) 5 wells of depth 1800 m will be drilled. Phase II and III will have four more of depth of 1500 m. The Block is in the Cambay  Tarapur tectonic area. Its extent is 1618 Km2, of which 415 sm. Km is agricultural land. Mahi estuary (Gulf of Khambhat) and Vatrak. Shedhi and Sabarmati rivers flow at a distance i.e. of 3.5 Kms from Cambay and 3.7 Km of Kheda respectively. No ecosystem/ biosphere reserves are in the proximity of the project site. 22 wells have been drilled, 3 wells have yielded oil or gas and 18 wells have been abandoned, one is inconclusive.

ONGC to carry out Exploratory Drilling in PEL Block Ext-III Ahmedabad

ONGC to carry out Exploratory Drilling Limbodara Ext-III  PEL block  covering an area of 17 km2 in District Ahmedabad in Gujarat. Already one well has been drilled in this block. It is proposed to drill one more well. Land for the drilling activity is under acquisition. The total project cost is estimated at Rs. 44.5 million.

Great Eastern Energy Corporation to carry out exploration at Raniganj

Great Eastern Energy Corporation to carry out exploration at Raniganj Coal Field Surajnagar in Burdwan district of West Bengal. Total area of the block is 210 km2. It is proposed to drill 100 commercial CBM drilling wells in five phases (20 wells in each phase), install 5 Gas Gathering Stations(GGS) & associated pipelines and 3 exploratory wells have been already drilled. There will be over all 103 wells. The drilling depth will be 1000 to 1100 meters. The methane gas from the wells will be collected and transported to GGS by network of pipelines.

Niko Resources to carry out Exploratory Drilling in CY-ONN-2003/1, Cauvery Block

Niko Resources to carry out Exploratory Drilling in CY-ONN-2003/1, Cauvery Block  in Tamil Nadu. The project envisages drilling of 5 exploratory wells at different depths between 1500 m and 3000 m depending on the geological conditions in the phase -1 in CY-ONN-2003/1, Cauvery Block in Tamilnadu. All the five wells falls within Nagapattinam district in Tamilnadu. Each of well drilling under phase -1 will require an area of 1.56 ha. The company would use only water based mud for drilling activity. The total project cost is estimated at Rs. 331 million.

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