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Oil and Natural Gas Exploration

Oil India to carry out exploratory drilling at Amguri Block AA-ONN-2004/1 in Sivasagar

Oil India to carry out exploratory drilling at Amguri Block AA-ONN-2004/1 in Sivasagar and Jorhat district in Assam.  The block area  is 144 sq. km. and M/s OIL are the operator for exploration of hydrocarbons. The prognosticated Geological reserves are estimated to be  Stock Tank Oil in Place (STOIP) - 3.32  MMT (approx) and Gross Ultimate Recovery (GUR) -0.996 MMT (approx). As per Minimum Work Programme (MWP) the PSC envisages completion of Exploratory Drilling and Testing of 4 wells. All the four Exploratory Drilling wells at locations AMG-1, AMG-2 and AMG-3 & AMG-4 are expected to be vertical with a target depth of about 4200 M. A 2000 HP Diesel Electric Rig will be deployed. Each location for exploratory oil/gas drilling operations is confined to an area of 2.9 ha (approx) which is almost rectangular in shape. Exploratory drilling and testing of each well will require nearly 120 days. Sequential drilling of about six (6) wells is planned by the company. About Rs. 25 Crores is expected to be spent for drilling each well in the block.

B.G. Shirke construction Technology to explore for oil & gas at Manepalli area

B.G. Shirke construction Technology to carry out exploratory drilling at for oil & gas at Manepalli area in East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh. About 2 ha. of land will be required for each development well. It is proposed to drill two development wells up to the depth of 3100m. Water based drilling mud will be used for the  drilling operation. The drill site after development drilling used for production or abandoned depending on the outcome of development drilling.  An area of about 30 m x 30 m will be retained and all non essential area will be fully reclaimed. The total project cost is estimated at Rs. 305.3 million.

ENI India to explore drilling operations at Andaman & Nicobar blocks

ENI India to explore drilling operations at offshore Block AN-DWN-2003/2  in Andaman & Nicobar islands. Area of the block is 13,110 km2 and is located in the Andaman Sea to the South East in the Bay of Bengal and west of Thailand.  The block is located at a distance of 80 nautical miles (NM) from the Great Nicobar Island to the North East; 133 NM from Car Nicobar to the East, 89NM from Trinket Islands to the East; 280 NM from the South Andaman Island to the south east.

Hydrocarbons Resources Development Co to drill 5 wells in Bantumilli area in Andhra Pradesh

Hydrocarbons Resources Development Co to drill 5 wells in Bantumilli area in Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh. Total area of the block is 54.60 km2.   Expected yield from each well will be 750 barrels/day of oil and or 80000 m2 /day of gas. Earlier ONGC has drilled two wells, which were abandoned.  No forest land is involved. The block is located at a distance of 6 km from the coast.  Land required will be 2 ha at each site. The total project cost is estimated at Rs. 452 million.

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