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Monnet Daniel Coal Washeries is expanding its coal washery in Karanpura

Monnet Daniel Coal Washeries is expanding its coal washery by wet process (0.9 MTPA to 5 MTPA of raw coal) with an investment of Rs. 450 million. The coal washery is located at ., in village Karanpura, district Ranchi. The Coal washery is based on Heavy Media Technology of two streams of 400 TPH (2.5 MTPA) each operating for 313 days in a year. Coal from the mine is presently transported from the mine by trucks to the railway siding located within the premises. With the operation of the coal washery, raw coal obtained from KDH mines would be received by trucks from the mine and off loaded to the washery covering a distance of 0.6 km and the washed coal would be transported by conveyors to railway siding and by rail to Punjab. . Ash content in the raw coal would be reduced from 40-45 % to about 34% for consumption of PSEB. Washed coal would be transported by conveyor to railway siding of mine. The washery would operate on a zero discharge concept and all the process water would be clarified through a five-stage treatment system and recycled back into the close circuit of the washery.

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